Breaking Ground on Flagship Store in Stuttgart, Arkansas
STUTTGART, ARK. - Location 2
Grand Opening - November 2024

Strategically placed in the heart of the city celebrated as the duck hunting capital of the world, the new 16,000-square-foot store will serve as a one-stop-shop and community hub for waterfowl hunters, providing a full selection of our complete system of performance hunting apparel, best-in-class customer service, and special events.

All of us cut our teeth hunting the flooded timber of Arkansas and still do to this day. It’s where the idea of Chêne Gear was born, so we’re proud to open a store in the heart and soul of Arkansas duck hunting.

The new store will allow us to serve the thousands of hunters who travel here each season and be a part of their special experience hunting the White River, Bayou Meto, and the countless other hardwood bottoms that make Arkansas the crown jewel of waterfowl hunting.

Chêne Gear will host a grand opening party at the store and will release more details at a later date. To learn updates about the new store and product releases, please subscribe to our newsletter or follow the brand on Instagram.